Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Friday, 1/25, 4th hour, room 844

Jay, Sarah Z, Paul B, and visitors from Horizons k8 there to brainstorm with us about portfolio grading.

Big takeaway that's related to the thinking we're doing here at FHS about grades: we have a population of students in this building who, before coming to FHS, never got grades (Horizons does portfolio grading only). These students hit FHS and often struggle with the grade-centered culture and the way they interact with school changes (often not for the better). We can learn a lot from these students if we talk to them.

Friday, 1/18, 4th hour

At the table: Jack C, Paul B, Sarah Z, Darrel B (while he cruised through for coffee)

  • how do the Ivy leagues colleges use grades? 
    • have heard that Stanford focuses on learning first and grades later
      • if you're heading into finals and think you won't pass, can take the class again with no penalty
    • if it's true that Standford does this (learning first, grades later), we could use that as a leverage point with our community

Friday, January 11, 2013

Why Students Gripe about Grades

Article sent out to us from Jay

4th hour Friday, 1/11

At the table: Cassie C, Jack C, Sarah D, Paul B, Sarah Z, Jay S

  • surprised by faculty response to no IC/grades at faculty meeting yesterday--seems to be more support out there than expected
  • are we teachers or evaluators
  • are we coaches or referees
  • how do we get students to really OWN their learning? 
  • if we do something as a school about grades and/or IC, we need to be very clear about what we're doing and why and we all need to be on message together
    • need to think about the anxieties the community will have and address them effectively
  • we need multiple narratives of success
  • no computers allowed at PT conferences? 
    • we don't need a mandate--we just need to start doing it and talking about why/how it works
  • parents and students WANT experiences of substance for students